Phone: 850-532-6206 x4
We ask for your patience if we can't immediately take your call or request. Please feel free to leave a message or send us an email, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
At this time, our policy is to have a pre-paid "bank" of support time, which you can use as needed when you call for support. While we do not require customers to pre-purchase a 2-hour support bank, we strongly encourage it so that if you call in with a support question, our team is able to assist you without requiring pre-payment. Time can then be used by our team when you call. We reduce your support bank by the time we spend assisting you. If you do not use all your banked time in a year, it carries over to the next year. Please note: If you do not have time in your support bank, we will require a minimum two-hour bank time payment via credit card at our hourly rate of $125.00/hr. To avoid delays, we highly recommend always having support time available in your Support Bank. If you pre-purchase it so that you have time in your bank before you call, the hourly rate is $90 per hour instead of $125 per hour.
NOTE* - To renew your subscription or top up your support bank with a credit card, please include the following information: